3schools quiz maker | send quiz data to Google Sheet

Apu 19 August
#PRO , #QuizGenerator
3schools quiz maker | send quiz data to Google Sheet
Type B - version 8

Before you use this version, please visit this page to see the quiz demo.

Question Added : 🔔
First Of All

How to create your own Google Sheet.

1》 Go to Google Sheet.

If you are using mobile phone, then select the checkbox against the Desktop site.

2》 Create a new sheet and set the following headers in the first row.

1 DateNameTotalQuestionsAttemptCorrectWrongPercentageQuizLink

3》 Click on Extensions > Apps Script

Apps Script Image

4》 Then visit this webpage and follow the 2,3,4 and 5 steps.


5》 Congrats! you have got that url. Now paste the url in the input box of this quiz setting.


How to get the Preview Link?

1》 Click on File > Share > Publish to web.

Publish Google sheets on web image
If you don't see any share option, then you have definitely Publish to web option.

2》 Then hit the Publish button and copy the link which you already got.

Share Share Share Share


  1. Apu
    Please, give your suggestion below comment box to improve Quiz Generator.
    • mr. Emes
      mr. Emes
      I need input box for School dan Class
  2. Mahfud SD
    Mahfud SD
  3. Jems R
    Jems R
    need input option for unique data such as email or phone no
  4. Moez REKIK
    Moez REKIK
    Great! Is there a quiz out there where I can reduce the number of answers from 4 answers to 3 answers or even 2 answers.